

主   题:Term structure of recession probabilities and the cross section of asset returns

时   间:2018 年 4 月 13 日(周五)10:00—12:00 
地   点:浙江|9728太阳集团大学玉泉校区外经贸楼236会议室 
主讲人:周倜 南方科技|9728太阳集团大学金融学助理教授









The duration of business cycles changes over time, generating time-varying investor concern about recessions. I study a macro-factor model that directly links assets' risk premia to such concern, measured by the term structure of recession probabilities from professional forecasters. The innovation to the slope of the term structure is negatively priced in a wide range of test assets with sizable risk premia, consistent with how the slope predicts long-horizon economic activity and labor income growth. A recession risk model with market and the innovation to the slope explains more than half of the cross-sectional variation of average excess returns on size, book-to-market, and asset growth sorted portfolios. The factor mimicking portfolio of the model helps reconcile the joint cross section of equities, index options and currencies, and have pricing performance comparable to several multi-factor benchmarks. My evidence suggests that the slope of the term structure is a recession state variable (Cochrane, 2005, Chapter 9.3), and an economic source of risk premia on assets considered can be attributed to time-varying concern over future recessions that is priced.


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